Posts tagged balance
The benefits of staying hydrated are more amazing then you thought!

Drinking more water is not new information and you have probably heard to increase your water intake a million times. But maybe once you understand that being dehydrated effects the function of the lymphatic system, thus impacting the whole body, you might remember to drink more.

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Spring Cleaning for the Mind & Body

Do you feel the urge to do some Spring Cleaning? You know the feeling you get when you clean and organize your home?
It’s that sense of order where everything is in its place and the clutter is gone. Imagine having that kind of order not only in your physical environment, but also in your Body and with the thoughts in your Mind!

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Mindful Medicine for your Anxiety

Can you remember the last time you intentionally took a few hours off, or the full day off, to stay in bed or be a couch potato? Did you feel guilty, inadequate, ashamed, etc for taking this time for yourself? Or are you finding you need more "down" time due to feelings of stress/anxiety BUT tell yourself to hide those feelings and move on?

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